Go-Kart Safety Tips for All Drivers, No Matter Their Age

Go-kart in dunes

The thrill of go-karting is for all ages, from young kids to grandparents. However, no matter the age of a rider, safety should always come first. From the smallest go-karters to the biggest, here’s how to keep yourself safe while enjoying the track.

Use the Right Kart

For younger kids, a kid kart or baby kart is smaller and less powerful. These karts can also be adjusted with a throttle stop to ensure that top speeds are within everyone’s comfort level. As kids get older, higher-powered karts are available until one reaches a standard adult kart.

For younger karters who have a need for speed, it can help channel that desire safely. Some karting clubs and locations will offer lessons with a professional so younger karters can learn to go fast, with safety in mind.

For all karters, a vehicle with a safety harness is ideal. This ensures riders are held inside of the kart if there is a rollover or other accident that could lead to ejection. At the very least, all riders should be secured with a seat belt.

Dress Appropriately

Loose clothing and go-karts are not a good combination. Snugger, tighter-fitting clothing is safer as there is less likelihood that something will get caught in the wheels or mechanisms. It is also a good idea to wear long sleeves and long pants. If there is a spill, these clothes will offer some protection. 

If anyone is racing, an actual race suit is even better, protecting against abrasions and burns. A neck brace is an additional piece of safety equipment that protects the most at-risk areas while karting.

Gloves can also help to operate a go-kart safely, ensuring a firm grip and protecting against blisters. Of course, a helmet is critical for karters of all ages. No matter who you are or where you are karting, a helmet stands between your brain and injury. Make this a critical piece of your karting wardrobe, every time.

Any rider with long hair should tie it back. This will avoid the potential of it getting caught up in wheels or other mechanisms. Some riders with long hair tuck a bun into a helmet or wear a swim cap to control their hair. Take off any long necklaces or other jewelry that could catch as well.

Understand Kart Controls

Before karting, every rider should be familiar with their kart and its controls. Some of the controls are essential, including the steering wheel, brake pedal, and gas pedal. Adult karts typically come with a shifting ability or gear pedal, while kid karts may not have this feature. It is important for all riders to know that they should not press both pedals at the same time!

 A pre-ride inspection of the vehicle is wise, to ensure tires are okay, bumpers are sitting off the ground, and that there are no other issues. For those who own their karts, be sure to regularly service and maintain the kart so you know it is safe to ride.

Develop (and Model) Good Driving Habits

A big part of safety is developing good habits, and modeling those habits for other riders. To start with, you should only use go-karts in areas that are safe for riding. If that is a commercial track or arena, the course should be in good condition, without obstructions. Generally, avoid fences and barriers that could lead to collision, incoming traffic, loose stones, or areas with uneven, soft turf. 

Spectators should be kept away from the track at all times. Even experienced spectators or those who are also riders may inadvertently end up in a collision due to the unpredictable nature of karting. Play it safe and restrict spectators to far off the route. 

There are also good driving habits that come into play once you are actually behind the wheel. First, take it slow when you drive a new kart. Practice turns, braking, and accelerating to understand the kart’s response. Always be aware of the conditions of the track and the situations unfolding around you, so you can respond as quickly as possible. Smooth movements, avoiding erratic driving, is critical.

Finally, older riders should never drive with a younger rider on their laps. While they may fit into the space, any accident could turn fatal quickly. The person between the driver and the steering wheel could get crushed, causing injury at best, and death at worst.

By following these good driving habits and looking out for younger and newer riders who might need some tips, experienced riders are role models. Of course, young riders should always have adult supervision. 

The bottom line: go-karts are powerful machines that deserve respect. Every action on a go-kart could have an unwanted consequence if safety is not at the forefront. No matter your age, a go-kart is not a toy, and should not be treated as one. 

Ultimately, go-karting is a fantastic activity for the whole family, but it naturally comes with risk. It is also important to follow any safety precautions or rules set out by a commercial track. By following these safety tips, you can ensure that you have a great day to remember for all of the right reasons.

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